With the aim of adopting sustainability elements in its investment processes through ESG integration, LarrainVial Asset Management has signed the Principles of Responsible Investment of the United Nations Organization ("UNPRI ").
The signature shows the company’s public interest and commitment in developing and promoting responsible investment criteria, while it allows access to a global network of standards, discussion and research on this matter.
At a worldwide level, more than 1,900 institutions representing close to USD 90 billion AUM, have already signed the Principles.
LarrainVial Asset Management manages over USD 5,900 million and offers a broad fund range, including 3 international vehicles through Luxembourg based LarrainVial Asset Management SICAV.
LarrainVial Asset Management CEO, Ladislao Larraín, says "ESG integration into the analysis is important not only at from a social and ethical perspective, but also because of its impact on the risk-return ratio of investments. Therefore, implementing this framework of analysis is essential for our work in all company processes".
LarrainVial S.A. LarrainVial Chile. Isidora Goyenechea 2800, 15th Floor, Las Condes, Santiago, Chile.
Tel.: +562 2339 8500Teléfono: +562 2339 8500
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